posted ago by yep__yep__yep ago by yep__yep__yep +45 / -0

The same shit happens on repeat...

Im only in my 20's and I see history repeating. This is the shit my parents told about while I was growing up. This is what my based, awake, and favorite Government teacher taught us in class (most teachers are CRT psychos, but he preached against CRT, Wokeness, and trusting big institutions and government...)

None of them would have ever believed it would happen in our lifetimes... Or at least not until the end of our lifetimes...

We're living through a time that will be written about in history books, or... If we lose, it will be left out of history books.

These are scary times, Pedes.

Edit: Oh, I forgot the whole purpose of my post. Mark my words, the threat of covid-19 drop off the map nearly world wide. We've moved from one Boogeyman, to the next.

Expect to see mandates being dropped, but emergency powers held on to... Like always.