Web services return errors with numbers 400-499 = problem at your end, and 500-599 = problem at my end.
eg 404 = page not found
return code 418 is a 'joke' error that a web service returns.
418 is literally 'I am a teapot'
So whoever is in control of that server, is having a joke on the people trying to hit it. They are probably just returning a 418 to any connections that are not officially allowed.
Yeah thats interesting
Web services return errors with numbers 400-499 = problem at your end, and 500-599 = problem at my end.
eg 404 = page not found
return code 418 is a 'joke' error that a web service returns.
418 is literally 'I am a teapot'
So whoever is in control of that server, is having a joke on the people trying to hit it. They are probably just returning a 418 to any connections that are not officially allowed.