These are the real "Gadianton Robbers". The real criminals.
The greatest mask perversity will ever wear is that of virtue.
Those in the mormon faith would do well to read between the lines (nothing against them, I begrudge no one their faith) . What they take as canonical serves as a mythological story with implications for today.
Who were the real villains? Who were the heroes? Who killed the helpless drunkards, or their 'enemies' while they slept at night? Who instituted a theological government? Who spread blood libel? Who founded a new home in a 'land promised by god' after most of 'their people' were destroyed? What happened to the supposed 'good guys' in the end? What caused their downfall? Did it come from without or within?
Sound familiar?
What nation is saved for last?
Marcus B., Alucard, M. Samuelle, J. Sark, and other patriots worked in darkness to help bring the light. Their rest is well earned.
These are the real "Gadianton Robbers". The real criminals.
The greatest mask perversity will ever wear is that of virtue.
Those in the mormon faith would do well to read between the lines (nothing against them, I begrudge no one their faith) . What they take as canonical serves as a mythological story with implications for today.
Who were the real villains? Who were the heroes? Who killed the helpless drunkards, or their 'enemies' while they slept at night? Who instituted a theological government? Who spread blood libel? Who founded a new home in a 'land promised by god' after most of 'their people' were destroyed? What happened to the supposed 'good guys' in the end? What caused their downfall? Did it come from without or within?
Sound familiar?
What nation is saved for last?
Marcus B., Alucard, M. Samuelle, J. Sark, and other patriots worked in darkness to help bring the light. Their rest is well earned.