Sedition. Infiltration. HIGH TREASON.
if you don't know...
You should. It's time to drag the WEF and their globalist minions out into the light for all to see!
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I wonder more and more of late if the WEF and it's offshoots, Council on Foreign Relations etc, are who Trump was referring to when he gave the "People in the shadows, people you've never heard of" interview. Yes, I know in terms of 'shadows' these orgs are mere shopfronts for the real cabal, who 99.99% have certainly never heard of, but in reality, no-one knew anything about the WEF and most not even of its existence until a few months after the plandemic. This is despite them being relatively 'mainstream' and not hidden; conducting their activities in plain sight for those who wanted to look. But that's the problem with our modern society - we're all so immersed in 'interactive' internet, social media, TV etc that we no longer pay attention to what's in front of our faces, and we've adjusted to behaving that way for practically 20 years now. Trump after all is a populist POTUS and so to the masses, being shown the likes of the WEF is a based populist introduction to the true hierarchy of evil that has been running the world. Hence the MSM scramble to paint 'The Great Reset' etc as 'conspiracy theory' - You don't need to look it up!! Just take our word for it. Cuntbastards.