I’m lovin what yer throwin-down. At a few big Phish shows…Alpine Valley comes to mind, fans flipped over cop cars. Coulda gotten ugly. Cops shouldn’t have been on the farm lot anyway but. Agree on the “outlaw” view, I think you nailed it. By not going commercial they made a big statement & they kept their freedom of creativity. The late 80’s & 90’s before Jerry past felt more dark to me tho. (Just my view). The 70’s & early 80’s shined music-wise…60’s too. Here’s a killer archive I just got turned-on to;
Ha… never saw em at Alpine in my touring days unfortunately. Cypress though, so that made up for it lol. Last show I saw was Superball @ Watkins Glen. Damn that was 11 years ago??? Time flies. Thanks for the link!
I missed Superball but heard the recording. Great show 👍🏽 I’m hoping they go up to northern Maine at the old Loring AFB & do another festival there?!! The 90’s were epic for Phish, but glad Trey is clean & they’re sounding good now. I believe his solo band is at Peach…one of the headliners 👍🏽
Ah yeah Loring! Actually Lemonwheel was my 3rd time seeing Phish. Jumped right into the deep end lol. I remember buying like $250 of fake weed and shrooms from a black dude before I even got my tent set up haha. Live and learn. At least I never got on the 12 Tribes bus 😂
I’m lovin what yer throwin-down. At a few big Phish shows…Alpine Valley comes to mind, fans flipped over cop cars. Coulda gotten ugly. Cops shouldn’t have been on the farm lot anyway but. Agree on the “outlaw” view, I think you nailed it. By not going commercial they made a big statement & they kept their freedom of creativity. The late 80’s & 90’s before Jerry past felt more dark to me tho. (Just my view). The 70’s & early 80’s shined music-wise…60’s too. Here’s a killer archive I just got turned-on to;
Search “Phish” up top too(?)
Ha… never saw em at Alpine in my touring days unfortunately. Cypress though, so that made up for it lol. Last show I saw was Superball @ Watkins Glen. Damn that was 11 years ago??? Time flies. Thanks for the link!
I missed Superball but heard the recording. Great show 👍🏽 I’m hoping they go up to northern Maine at the old Loring AFB & do another festival there?!! The 90’s were epic for Phish, but glad Trey is clean & they’re sounding good now. I believe his solo band is at Peach…one of the headliners 👍🏽
Ah yeah Loring! Actually Lemonwheel was my 3rd time seeing Phish. Jumped right into the deep end lol. I remember buying like $250 of fake weed and shrooms from a black dude before I even got my tent set up haha. Live and learn. At least I never got on the 12 Tribes bus 😂
Ohh…man!! As long as you lived & learned? 😁