561 VIBE CHECK: Everyone ready for the ending to begin? "You met Q at a very strange time in my life." (media.patriots.win) THE FIRST RULE Q CLUB IS: posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +563 / -2 208 comments share 208 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I was in Balad for a year, had great dining facilities.
Yes!! We left and took our Ops to Tikrit (Camp Speicher) and I didn’t think I’d see better chow than Balad but Speicher was the bomb.
Hmm, didn’t think it could get any better than Anaconda. I especially loved Mongolian stir fry night, I think it was Thursday’s.
Dude!!! Yes, that was so good my mouth’s watering just remembering that. Food was about all the pleasure to be had in the war zones. And I smoked cigarettes like a chimney. ugh