Found this interesting comment in the Ukraine daily thread and wanted to make sure you all have a chance to read it. It's not exactly a decode, but, it's an interesting side angle to all this insanity (user was a handshake, so I had to manually approve). See top comment.

That's OK. Cayce was interesting, that's all.
Very interesting ! I'll take what he said about Russia and his beliefs , I'd rather have that than these nut jobs believing the covid lie and kissing with masks on!
Kek. So true.
Right lol ..it’s getting beyond stupid , something is seriously wrong with these folks!
I think you should give the current events about 3 months, with how fast things seem to be progressing and changing, this could all mean something entirely different by the end of June
The more we connect with our higher selves the more we can shed the masks the world requires us to wear, we become more 'ourselves' and more in line with who God intended us to be.
Thus doing, we can rest asured our actions upon this earth are per God's will. At least, that's been my experience so far. ymmv.
Christianity went from being a faith absolutely steeped in spiritual mysticism to in recent times a bunch of people deathly afraid of the spiritual world. It’s an interesting little trick that’s been pulled…
Do more research on him.