President Putin BANS Pedophilia-Infested Facebook: ‘Censorship Is Not Welcome in Russia’ Russian President Vladimir Putin banned Facebook on Friday, making good on his promise to hold the social media giant to account for their rampant pedophilia and censorship problem.
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So you want big government and censorship, got it.
How about don’t use the platforms that you disagree with instead of asking for big brother to step in and make it what you want.
Worse thing ever, people on social media complaining about social media. But yeah, let’s pick on “normies”
Fuck Facebook its a deep state run tool. It isn't big government to remove a weapon of mass destruction and that is what face book is.
Removing weapons our enemies have built isn't big government. It's national defense.
I am glad you missed my point entirely.
And lent starts Wednesday
I am Orthodox not Catholic, specifically Coptic Orthodox. Lent starts Monday.
You sound like your defending pedophilia.
In response to someone saying they are addicted to Facebook while complaining about Facebook? Sounds like he’s supporting it.
But stay on and complain about it.