301 Today on "Know Your Dictators" we profile VLADIMIR PUTIN. He is not a saint. But some seem content to write him off as the devil incarnate. He is not that either. (turcopolier.com) posted 2 years ago by catsfive 2 years ago by catsfive +301 / -0 70 comments share 70 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Putin does not care about the freedom of a country, he cares that Russia does not fall into globalism.
and if that means attacking any country, he will do it, if that leads him to be listed as Dictator, he won't care.
Seems to me that Putin allowed Russia to follow the globalist COVID script. Causes me to wonder about his nationalism.
If Russia returns to globalism rhey won't be free either.
The deep state built the soviet union. I'm not sure it collapsed for any other reason than globalism operating communism is a giant failure no matter how you cut it.
They have the same in store for us.