posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +47 / -2

If you have come all this way only to be easily discouraged by one post on an unconfirmed COMM then you are quite insecure and a retard.

As such, perhaps TSQ is indeed for you. TSQ, assuming I am correct and it is a controlled "fake Q", is specifically being used to bait the remaining doubters. Why? Cause the truth is about to drop.

Well, sqeptics and normies aren't going to suddenly embrace Q and validate the entire operation. In fact if that's what you are waiting for, then prepare to be disappointed for a while longer.

TSQ acting as Q would do nothing except keep the LARP narrative alive. Instead this "fake Q" acts as a joke account. This is to lure the others in for the lolz. Then the truth will begin to trickle. Basically TSQ is the retard friendly version of Q or rQ. This version can bring in those who would otherwise not give any of us the time of day. By being stupid, this Q creates a light hearted atmosphere to lure those in who chose not to pay attention. It comes off as safe and "just for fun".

Then when the time comes, the truth will begin to trickle, then stream then hard flow. This will soften the shock of the reveal and will go over easier than if we were left to explain it ourselves.

This actually makes our jobs easier. We'll be filling in gaps. We are the validation for THEM. Not the other way around.

Movie is almost over. I am excited for the next iteration. This is the first time a conflict has spurred and all I feel is peace. We all knew it was real... It just takes time to accept. Now we must help our friends to the water to drink the truth. Time for pain... And time for healing.