FINAL EDIT: A HUGE THANK YOU to one and all for your UNPRECEDENTED response to this! Hope that you're all enjoying comparing and contrasting your answers to those of everyone else, because I can very, VERY CLEARLY see some SUPER common themes emerging in here on literally every single answer! Finally, a personal observation, take it or leave it; in that a few people on here, in my humble honest opinion, are still using their logical minds and past experiences to "predict" what will happen, as opposed to purely tuning into their intuition with an open-mind and an open-heart! Believe it or not though, the future is anything but "logical" necessarily, and we've literally been witnessing this for the last what...6 or so years already? Just an observation that I felt like sharing with you all! Thank you all for this amazing and exciting and FUN interaction, everyone! :) :)
It is said that we only use a tiny little percentage of our brains, and little to nothing of our own innate intuition / gut feeling / sixth sense -- whatever you choose to call it -- DESPITE having 100% access to it at all times. So this, right here, is GA.WIN's first ever GUT FEELING poll. Given below are a few interesting questions about our (potential) futures. I want all of you reading this to deeply FEEL INTO the question asked, and (this part is somewhat challenging) --- WITHOUT pushing it through the logical / intuitive / reasoning filters of your mind, type out the answer as is.
One Final Thing: You'll be greatly tempted to check what other folks have answered in response to these questions, either for the purposes of seeking validation or wanting to "not be wrong" or "not look silly / stupid / ridiculous". Please do try your LEVEL best to avoid the said temptation, for this is just a fun game, and NOT a test of "right" or "wrong." Finally, beware of your mind's innate tendencies to want a specific (desired) answer to a given specific question, and instead, please just be open to whatever the answer may be, be that favourable to your own liking or NOT.
And now, your questions...
Please Note: Your gut feeling is the VERY FIRST (UNFILTERED!!!) ANSWER that comes into your mind / heart when you ask a question (to the universe / God etc.) with a deep INTENTION of receiving the answer to it. Hope this helps!
QUESTION ONE: What does your GUT FEELING say about the ENERGIES (on a GLOBAL level) for the next 3 months? In other words, how will experiencing this time period FEEL like?
QUESTION TWO: What does your GUT FEELING say about the ENERGIES (on a GLOBAL level) for the entire year at large? In short, what kind of energies / experiences do you expect the rest of the year to bring to the people, on a global scale?
QUESTION THREE: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the COVID agenda before the end of this year?
QUESTION FOUR: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the human trafficking agenda before the end of this year?
QUESTION FIVE: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the stolen US Election agenda before the end of this year?
QUESTION SIX: What likelihood does your GUT FEELING indicate of a worldwide (mainstream) exposure of the stolen Scottish Referendum election poll before the end of this year?
QUESTION SEVEN: Will (the REAL) Q make a comeback this year? What does your GUT FEELING say?
Go give it your best shot. And please remember, this is all just for FUN so PLEASE do NOT take this seriously! It's perfectly OKAY to be "right" or "wrong" here! In fact, there ARE NO rights or wrongs here! Just avoid looking at other people's answers and just write down the VERY FIRST ANSWER to any question that comes into your minds / hearts!
P.S. I'm expecting that many women on here will be great at this stuff because I've legit seen some incredible examples of what is commonly known as women's intuition or women's sixth sense / gut feeling, so I'm REALLY counting on them to deliver the goods, here!
Enjoy the show.
EDIT: I'd also like to add in here (for those curious) the idea of timelines. In that ultimately, each of us aligns ourselves to either a positive or negative time-stream or experience-stream (depending upon the TYPE of majority of our thoughts, feelings, intentions, beliefs, and, above all, expectations). In that, people with more of a positive attitude and expectation from life (i.e. the optimists) will actually, LITERALLY experience a positive future, while people who (inwardly) expect negative / depressing things to happen (i.e. the pessimists), will find themselves living exactly JUST THAT! Yeah this one's a mind-bender, sci-fi, parallel universe oriented concept, but it's a fun concept to ponder on for curious and inquisitive minds nevertheless! :) :)
As to the percentage of our brain we're using I like to use the following analogy. When you're driving slowly down the road what percentage of your engine are you using? All of it... just not very much.