A very large percent of Americans make decisions based solely on what the people on TV tell them.
I used to think Democrats were generally pro-small guy, anti gun, pro free stuff, pro minority right, anti bug business. This is really giving them too much credit for any core values of tbeir own.
56 % of Democrats support US troops un Ukraine. Why? Because the TV told them so.
They believe truckers are Nazis and BLM rioters are welcome in cities. Why? Because the TV tild them so.
Ivermectin bad. HCQ bad. Because rhe TV tood them so.
No amount of Fauci lyingband flip flopping will deter their trust. No amount of arrested CNN pedophiles will leason their trust.
The vaccine was dangerous until the TV told them it was safe and should be mandatory.
If they learn the vax gave them AIDS they will panic. But their first course of action will be to turn on the TV to learn what they are supposed to think about it and how to respond.
"Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding them like grain with a pestle, you will not remove their folly from them." Proverbz 27:22
You linked to a synopsis of the book. I linked to the full copy of the book, quoted from the introduction, and summed up what the author stated the book was about.
And then I asked you to explain what your point was again.
Instead of having a conversation, you replied, "Thanks for playing. Read more than two paragraphs next time. You still know very little about the Inquisition since they started in multiple countries spanning from the 1300s-1600s."
I find it interesting you quoted a partial sentence but removed this key part-
and later banning their entry completely between 1608-1946.
But you did actually answer my question.
You claim the order of the Jesuits is a crypto-Jewish front.
I would agree the order was founded by Loyola, who was a Marrano (Spanish Jew) AKA crypto-Jew from Iberia who based his infamous Spiritual Exercises on teachings from the Kabbalah and Talmud.
Ultimately, the Bible discusses Mystery Babylon frequently in Revelation. We know how Jesus felt about the Sadducees and Pharisees, whose ancestors were the creators of Kabbalah and Talmud, which was a merging of Judaism with the Babylonian Mystery religions, during the Babylonian captivity. There were also those Jews, such as Daniel, who refused to eat the king's meat and were thrown to the lions.
If you only see Mystery Babylon as a crypto-Jewish front, I believe you're missing the forest for the trees.
You're also ignoring the power of family lines who aren't of Jewish descent yet also are part of Mystery Babylon. Where do the Aldobrandinis fit into your theories of world domination, as an example?
The Aldobrandinis have a room named after them in the Vatican museum, Room of the Aldobrandini Wedding, but I'm willing to bet you don't know anything about them because they're not Jewish.
From the Jewish Encylopedia of 1905 -
Maybe you would recognize Aldobrandini name, though, as in 1974, Baron David René James de Rothschild married into one of the most powerful families in Rome via Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini.
As far as your claim I know nothing about the Inquisition, were you referring to the Papal Inquisition, the Spanish Inquistion, or the Portuguese Inquistion? Additionally, have you read Foxe's Book of Martyrs in its entirety?