posted ago by RedPillQ17 ago by RedPillQ17 +21 / -0

Let me begin with this: The info below is merely a recap/overview hitting the highlights of a 2/24/22 podcast by "Patriot Phil." I have not personally verified any of this information, nor would anyone likely be able to verify most of it. That said, use your own discernment and determine for yourself if the information presented resonates with you.

I am merely sharing what I deem as very interesting info - if it's true. This is not an endorsement or validation in any way of what was said on this podcast, so don't jump my shit or attack me - I'm just sharing what I saw/read that got my attention. If you don't like Patriot Phil - no biggie - then just move along to another post...

Okay, so during this podcast, Patriot Phil shows a transcript of Biden's phone call with Putin that he said occurred just before the Russian so-called 'invasion' of Ukraine commenced around 2/22/22 (so the call was on approx. Feb. 20-21). In the call transcript, President Putin interrupts Biden FOUR times, Putin tells Biden "you are sitting President of nothing!", Putin proceeds to tell Biden, "Our conversation concludes" then he abruptly HANGS UP on Biden, and supposedly Putin won't accept calls from Biden anymore. LOL! God, I hope this stuff is true!

Also covered on this podcast is how the evil, lying, cabal mainstream media (MSM) is constantly pushing fear porn about "Russia's invasion/attack on Ukraine" and putting out maps of "target" sites that Russia has destroyed thus far, claiming that it was a bunch of Ukraine military airports they hit and 'big bad Putin' is terrorizing the citizens of Ukraine. However, that's not likley really what's been going on, of course. According to Phil, the sites on the 'Ukraine target map' are American tax-payer funded BIOWEAPONS LABS based in the Ukraine that are being run by evil-doers.

Putin's declared "special military operation" in Ukraine could really be taking out actual threats (to not just Russia, but to humanity as a whole) re: bioweapons labs cooking up the next plan-demic to be unleashed on the world by the globalist psychopaths. And one of the FIRST sites that Russian military forces captured was Chernobyl (which Phil claims is been being used for immense child sex trafficking). If the Chernobyl site was truly so 'radioactive' and dangerous, no way would Russian troops descend upon it and secure the perimeter. Think logically, as "Q" would say. :-)

2/24/22 Patriot Phil podcast: https://rumble.com/vvsb9j-next-live-thursday-february-24th-700-pm-eastern.html

  • See time stamp 1:06:52 to 1:15:00 regarding Ukraine 'target maps'...

  • See time stamp 1:16:15 to 1:28:30 regarding Putin/Biden phone call transcript...

Phone call transcript of Putin and Biden just prior to Russia 'invading' Ukraine (approx. Feb. 20-21, 2022). In the transcript, "B" is Biden and "P" is Putin.

  • See time stamp 1:33:20 to 1:37:24 re: "Q" having an account "@q" (which was created VERY early - right after the key leadership team) on Trump's new "Truth Social" media platform (only available on iOS mobile as of President's Day on 2/21/22 - with a waiting list probably 10s of millions long).

Thus far, I've heard that the Truth Social platform has been under tremendous attack since its launch, being cyber-attacked and totally shut down/crashed at least FOUR times just within the first day.

Devin Nunes (former U.S. House Rep from CA, who's now CEO of Trump's "Truth Social" platform) has been following the "Q" account on Truth Social and 're-truthing' (sharing/re-tweeting equivalent) "Q" posts ever since the platform went live.

According to Phil, the "Q" account on "Truth Social" posted something about Chernobyl (I don't know exactly what it said since I haven't seen the actual "Q" post content myself - I'm still on the waiting list) TWO DAYS prior to Russia seizing control of that site in Ukraine.