Ukraine Parliament Member - "We're fighting to protect the New World Order"
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I did not get the impression that is what she meant. Remember that to them, the world of democracy is still relatively new. The globalists and their leftist stooges don't want Russia in Ukraine because the globalists have been doing all sorts of nefarious things in Ukraine. They know the Russians are avid nationalists and fear that the Russians will uncover their chicanery and expose it. The Ukrainians are not fighting for the Deep State in my opinion.
They know exactly what the new world order is.
They all know -- the politicians, that is.
Our politicians make the same pledge to the new world order.
Time to crush them all like bugs.
That's for sure. The Deep State in Ukraine and whoever supports it must be defeated. If it takes the Russians to do it. So be it.
You need to eat some fiber because your microbiome is throwing off your gut intuition. Kek.
Ukrainian nationals donated $10 million to the Clinton Foundation from 1999-2014, more than their English and Saudi Arabian counterparts.
Ukraine is a Deep State playground and it's clear as day to me and many others.
For the record, I upvoted you even though I disagree with the impression due to the evidence at hand.
Well, we'll see what comes out. I do believe as most do here that this is a real nationalist vs globalist deep state war here, and there is A LOT of fake news coming out of there. So it's hard to accurately assess thr situation. I just wonder if the Ukrainian people would fight so hard to defend bioweapons labs, etc. Wouldn't they want someone to go in there and clean that stuff out?
The Ukrainian media censors everything and the Ukrainian government blocks access to websites completely when it so chooses. Doubt many even know of their existence unless they're connecting to a VPN service of some kind.