This is a very basic standard to hold ourselves to. Does not strictly need to be a rule, just know if you claim something and fail to back it up, it's your opinion and nothing more. Truss T'miebroh is NOT a valid source. And no amount of senseless downvoting or baseless, emotional conjecture is going to magically validate your claims. Neither does "look it up". If you're so confident your claim is solid, then you should be able to at least point me or anyone asking in the right direction. But the most effective way to persuade is to have evidence ready to share.
Citing sources and providing proof is the very basis of logic and reason. And this community claims to be a proponent of such yet I see many many posts that go unchallenged or fail to back up information when directly asked for follow up information. Just know that I and many other logicians will assume your claim is an opinion and promptly disregard it as such if you don't bring the facts.
I am guilty of this even as I try to be better about it. Confirmation bias is a nasty drug. But confirmation bias isn't the truth. In fact more often that not it can be the furthest from.
This is a core practice that we need to adopt as the norm. It does not matter if normies lash out. That is never a justifiable excuse to not call them out. Remember, they are the minority and the worst anyone can do is try to kill you for disagreements which if they try, defend yourself. Oh that sounds extreme? Good. It is and likely will never happen. Despite what Twattertards say, they don't have the stomach to kill a small animal, let alone a human and no, their goon squads are of no real threat either. The cabal wants you to live in fear of the masses because it's us, said masses they fear. And yes, we are no different than the normies in the grand scheme. This is everyone versus them. Always has been. It's time to wake them to this truth with logic and reason. And that starts by holding each other to the standards of citing claims.
Theories are excepted. I may ask for sources to better understand your stance, but that's it. Theories are meant to be challenged, but my goal is to seek the truth. Always remember the difference of being right and what is right. And they seldom align. It's okay to be wrong.
May God protect, bless and guide us safely through this tumultuous hour.
Unless it's irrefutable. The sky is blue, gravity is provable, the Earth is round. Start with the basics and build from there. Yes, sources can be scrutinized and should be. Everything should be questioned and nothing ever assumed as truth.