Yeah antifa are anti fascists right? Such a weird situation going on. Wendy Rogers was at the groyper event, which some members are indeed outwardly fascist, at least they think Hitler has merit and do like him.
But Putin says he is fighting fascists, and antifa are fighting fascists. Both hating neo Nazis. Lol this is too strange.
Yeah antifa are anti fascists right? Such a weird situation going on. Wendy Rogers was at the groyper event, which some members are indeed outwardly fascist, at least they think Hitler has merit and do like him.
But Putin says he is fighting fascists, and antifa are fighting fascists. Both hating neo Nazis. Lol this is too strange.
Are there recent reports on antifa in Ukraine during this "invasion?" Because [their] leader, Soros, is clearly on Ukraine's side.