posted ago by Blue-collar745 ago by Blue-collar745 +8 / -1

The very same communist nation that he was a KGB agent in was infiltrating the US government for decades and now his ally(China) is funding the politicians that are funding Ukraine.

Are we going to forget that Stalin cracked down on gay shit and banned abortions? Doesn’t sound like the USSR was as “woke” as he claims.

He was just as ruthless with vaccinations as the west too

The forth industrial revolution is supposed to start in Russia, that’s why they’re making it a big shot right now. Why do you think they were mad when Trump put an end to the oil pipeline that would have left Russia in control of Europe

The Eurasian economic Union wants to be a plug to the EUs outlet

A Third World War is needed to bring about the NWO and nationalists(Napoleon, Hitler) can help advance their plans.