Not really, compare yourself to nike workers or apple workers, or Uighurs, or the saudi imported workers. Sorry you might feel like a slave, personally i live like a fucking king.
So your mortgage is all paid up? No debt? Drive your dream car? Own your dream property? Don't work 5+ days a week? Pay 1/3 or more of your paycheck?
I may not have it as bad as some, but I don't have it as good as some.
There are no slaves.
There is more actual slaves today than there was in the 1850's. Not including us.
There are plenty of slaves.
Aren’t we all slaves?
Arent we all slaves?
I sure feel like one.
Not really, compare yourself to nike workers or apple workers, or Uighurs, or the saudi imported workers. Sorry you might feel like a slave, personally i live like a fucking king.
So your mortgage is all paid up? No debt? Drive your dream car? Own your dream property? Don't work 5+ days a week? Pay 1/3 or more of your paycheck?
I may not have it as bad as some, but I don't have it as good as some.