Look up Brandon Joe Williams on YouTube or his website https://www.theamnestycoalition.org/ . He will show you exactly how fake everything is. Money is not real, it’s just one of many negotiable instruments that we have to use. Paying our bills or taxes isn’t even our responsibility, that belongs to the US Treasury. I know I know I’m full of shit. Seriously he lays it out and shows you in the law and where to find it yourself.
Sure, but once the 2020 election is fully proved and excepted as fraud by the masses his pardon won’t mean anything. Along with everything else they’ve passed in the last 4 years. And I imagine once obummer is proven to not be a US citizen everything that was passed during his terms will be null and void also.
Vitamin C for the toothache, start at around 3-4000iu and work up over a week or two. Keep upping the amount you take until your tooth stops hurting. You can spray cloidioal silver on an open festering wound, it will promote healing and knock down infection.