Sorry for the FluffTube link and some videos on Rumble. May be on Telegram too. But for direct on ground no MSM Bullsh1t reports from Ukraine, is Texan-American-Ukrainian Russell Bentley.
He reports on the Ukrainian Russians, and at times he’s had friendly Ukrainians and Ukrainian Germans telling EXACTLY what is happening. A good one for us to catalog and a fairly good Ukraine Red Pill reporter! He does lean of course, more on his Russian almost old-school Soviet side, rather than being more neutral, but he is also a Texas-American. So since being one of the only rare on-the-ground sources we have besides MSM, use your best trained Anon Discernment to decide what to take in and what to cast aside.
Regis Tremblay an American from Russia, I think, also gives good updates from the EU, Russia, and has Russell on his channel. Also in case Russell gets censored:
Brent75 WWG1WGA
Oof. What a moron.