Sorry for the FluffTube link and some videos on Rumble. May be on Telegram too. But for direct on ground no MSM Bullsh1t reports from Ukraine, is Texan-American-Ukrainian Russell Bentley.
He reports on the Ukrainian Russians, and at times he’s had friendly Ukrainians and Ukrainian Germans telling EXACTLY what is happening. A good one for us to catalog and a fairly good Ukraine Red Pill reporter! He does lean of course, more on his Russian almost old-school Soviet side, rather than being more neutral, but he is also a Texas-American. So since being one of the only rare on-the-ground sources we have besides MSM, use your best trained Anon Discernment to decide what to take in and what to cast aside.
Regis Tremblay an American from Russia, I think, also gives good updates from the EU, Russia, and has Russell on his channel. Also in case Russell gets censored:
Brent75 WWG1WGA
Found it on another post... another channel...
I get the feeling that clowns reading info on here are doing mass "violation reports" on YouTube so instead of sharing the channel that it is on, here is the link to the source.
You are awesome, thank you.