This post is a response to THIS QUESTION. The answer ended up becoming so very long, that I decided to make it into its own post for the benefit of ALL. Finally, this post is especially relevant for anyone with (any of) the following questions:
"Will ALL my VACCINATED loved ones die in a MASSIVE mass death tragedy?"
"I'm super FEARFUL of death. Can anyone help me out?"
"I'm super AFRAID of someone close to me DYING. Can anyone help me out?"
"Someone close to me just DIED. Can anyone help me out?"
"Oops! I TOOK the JAB! Can anyone help me out?"
"Is it possible for ME to conquer DEATH ITSELF?"
THE ANSWERS: (super LONG post alert!!!)
First of all: Will ALL of the vaxxed ones die? Or will they ALL live to tell the tale? Well, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. And there are many multiple reasons for this: ONE: not ALL vaccines were toxic necessarily (as is commonly understood as being THE fact); a fact that has little to nothing to do with those of the cabal suddenly having a change of heart or anything --- but rather, many, MANY such toxic vaxxes were simply replaced by those of the White Hat variety into completely harmless injections. That being said, there's no real way (at least, one that we know of or are aware of) to tell which is which; which in turn makes this vax-taking experience more of a Russian Roulette type situation --- for better or for worse.
TWO: There are some amongst us whose life journeys / paths / missions / needed-life-experiences / life-contracts require them to survive this particular predicament, either in good health or in compromised health (depending upon their respective chosen life contract stipulations); and thus, Divine Intervention will save these ones for the time being.
THREE: This is actually THE MOST important point. And you may have to read this one a few times over and over to TRULY get it. But that: Those who truly and firmly BELIEVE that they'll NOT be harmed by the said vax, will simply NOT be harmed by the said vax, boosters, or whatever else there is...even IF these were of the MOST TOXIC variety. What's more, should they firmly believe (i.e TRUST) that this vax will PROTECT / BENEFIT them, then that is EXACTLY what they'll end up EXPERIENCING!
Now, this particular sentence might baffle / anger many folks on here, so allow me to explain this with a simple illustration: Take the common teaching that kids in our world are taught since their very childhood: "Wash your hands any time you touch something unhygienic." So, as a somewhat gross example, should you ever end up peeing on your hands, you'll obviously want to wash those before grabbing a snack, right? So that something terribly dangerous doesn't go into your body?
Weeeeell, not really....
Enter Bear Grylls, who, forget washing hands after peeing; dude's busy drinking his OWN PISS whenever so needed and living a perfectly healthy and happy life. So, no cholera for him...not even a simple diarrhoea.
And this man is as human as you or me. Not like he was raised by the apes in some African jungle like Tarzan or anything either. Not to forget that the very character of Tarzan itself is very much so human too. But let's forget fictional characters for a moment.
Let's talk about Wim Hof, a very, very real person...who is also as normal a human as any of US. At the age of 55, the man has 26, yep, you read that right, TWENTY SIX FUCKING WORLD RECORDS to his name. One of those insane achievements, by the way, is that he climbed Mount Everest wearing just shorts.
Yeah, let that one sink in.
A man as human as you or me or anyone else.
As it turns out, we have been heavily brainwashed and conditioned and lied to through fake manufactured fear porn systems such as "science" and "education" and "modern medical science" created by elites, that will have you believe that humans are somehow super weak, helpless creatures at the mercy of nature; & random & unexpected viral & bacterial outbreaks, and, above all, them (i.e. the elites, big pharma, & what-else-have-you).
Fact is,
The sheer incredible STRENGTH of your MIND, WILL, DESIRE, and, above all, your SELF BELIEF, can even move MOUNTAINS, --- defeating a few "deadly" little VIRUSES and BACTERIA is literally NOTHING for YOU.
THIS IS WHY hypnotherapy WORKS. (go look up Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy aka QHHT for yourself!)
THIS IS WHY people are able to perform UN-IMAGINABLE and IN-CONCEIVABLE FEATS under hypnosis.
THIS IS WHY you need a Guinness BOOK to VERIFY and RECORD those World Records -- because otherwise...NO "HUMAN" should even as much as be able to IMAGINE PERFORMING any of those feats, LET ALONE have people BELIEVE that they did.
THIS IS WHY you have Shaolin Monks performing INCREDIBLE feats on camera (some of them can dodge bullets too).
THIS IS ALSO WHY even many of your "basic" circus performers are often able to perform absolutely unimaginable feats. Because they've never really been taught to LIMIT THEMSELVES.
THIS IS ALSO WHY you have so-called "myths" of Indian Yogis and Masters directly ingesting poison, sleeping on a bed of nails, and walking over hot coals. And I'm not even getting into the more, well, miraculous parts here.
THIS IS ALSO WHY THIS PARTICULAR STORY about Method Actors creating literal ILLNESSES within their bodies (using just their very minds) EXISTS.
But THAT'S not even THE BIGGEST SCANDAL of them ALL...
The GREATEST BIG PHARMA SCANDAL IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY is something that has commonly been known as the "PLACEBO EFFECT."
Placebo Effect: To put it in laymen's terms, the Placebo Effect is a Researched, Documented, and SCIENTIFICALLY Well Recognized, Verified, and Authenticated phenomenon which basically involves curing people with a literal sugar pill. That's right, you give a patient a LITERAL SUGAR PILL (and tell them / convince them that it's a real "medicine"). And then, LITERALLY magically, they actually get CURED.
Beat THAT.
But what you WON'T be able to beat (no matter how very hard you try!), is the fact that "scientists" have "NOT" been able to figure out as to "WHAT" causes this effect...for... wait for it, OVER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE FUCKING YEARS.
And you thought their asking for 55 years for releasing virus documents was a big deal.
And these are the exact same people who had within them the incredible "scientific capability" to discover a working cure for an entirely UNKNOWN virus in like...what was that again... 3-6 MONTHS?
Even vaxes for KNOWN viruses take a BARE MINIMUM of 10 WHOLE YEARS to just DEVELOP; let alone TEST and RELEASE.
And I'll just put it this way, if I was a pharma scientist or a pharma organization or the very MEDICAL fucking ESTABLISHMENT THEMSELVES, the PLACEBO EFFECT would be the VERY FIRST PUZZLE that I'd devote literally ALL of my energies and attention to.
I mean come on, you potentially have the literal CURE to EVERY HUMAN AILMENT IMAGINABLE waiting to be discovered here; and, GIVEN THAT you can find the way to beat a BRAND NEW VIRUS in a mere 3 MONTHS' TIME... surely... surely 223+ FUCKING YEARS is (more than!) ENOUGH of a time for you to figure out THIS PARTICULAR EFFECT, right?
Alas, THAT is so NOT how MONEY GET$ MADE.
As always, I'd like to end this on a more POSITIVE note, however. And it IS indeed the understanding that no one, and I mean NO ONE is ever, ever, EVER REALLY "SEPERATED" from you (by what you call your (physical) "death".
Of course, I don't want you all to take my word on this...just go read through the BIGGEST LIBRARY OF NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES ON THE INTERNET to discover what the TRUTH is for YOUR SELF! Also, there's another similar such library for OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES too!
And there are many, MANY entire BOOKS and blogs and entire websites dedicated to the said topic -- a simple internet search should help find you MANY of these.
And if you've lost someone (or may lose someone) near and dear to you and are having trouble understanding as to how to deal with the loss of a loved one, then, THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO IS MEANT FOR YOU.
And finally, quoting the epitaph one of the very GREATEST spiritual masters to have ever graced this incredible planet of ours...
Never BORN – Never DIED. Only visited this planet Earth between December 11, 1931 and January 19, 1990.
A few more additional related reads (regarding the sheer POWER of your MIND / WILL) for your perusal:
The BLIND WOMAN with a "SEEING EYE" (Split Personality!) (this one's an incredible (and scientifically validated) read!!!)
HOW just your WILL-POWER ALONE can even help you or your loved ones BEAT DEATH ITSELF.
How you can all too EASILY be killed via MENTAL STRESS ALONE.
FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE through your Social Medias, your conversations, and anywhere else you can think of. ESPECIALLY SHARE IT with absolutely ANY person you know who' is afraid of death, OR, who is afraid of a loved one dying, OR, who is grieving the loss of a loved one. For this is the very LEAST you could do for THEM here!
Looks like a cocaine overdose to me.