20 "TROLL FABRICS & FACTORIES" -- thus a new form of Memetic ammunition is created, strengthening our resolve and blessing our aim to be true. Go forth! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by basilpesto 2 years ago by basilpesto +20 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
A speech given by Mr. Vassily Nebenzia - Russia's ambassador to the U.N.
As always, typical MSM news bullshittery -- the video is from Feb 28th, but is used as a lead video to a story from today March 3rd, on his remarks to the UN.
Fabrik is the European name for a Factory
Yes, the translation is awesome :)
Fabricca in Italian, Fabrica in Spanish, etc.
Fabriek in Dutch.
So what do they call a factory that fabricates fabrics?
fabric is a way of describing cloth, because it is fabricated by machines.
So much for me cracking jokes.
Oh, we were supposed to laugh?
Found some: