I graduated from nursing school in 2012. During that time a friend told me about the builderberg group. I'd never heard of them. During a semester off school I Googled and read many articles on them. Next thing I knew my Facebook was shut down as well as another app. I was shocked and knew it had direct bearing with my research. When facebook was back on I closed it out, and I've been off ever since!
That was long before tech over-reach was talked about. They all need to be taken out. We'll never get our country back until they do.
And if we're going to activate the draft, then we need to sign up ALL MIGRANTS FIRST!
I graduated from nursing school in 2012. During that time a friend told me about the builderberg group. I'd never heard of them. During a semester off school I Googled and read many articles on them. Next thing I knew my Facebook was shut down as well as another app. I was shocked and knew it had direct bearing with my research. When facebook was back on I closed it out, and I've been off ever since!
That was long before tech over-reach was talked about. They all need to be taken out. We'll never get our country back until they do.
And if we're going to activate the draft, then we need to sign up ALL MIGRANTS FIRST!