15 Branco's bitter red pill for the normies... (files.catbox.moe) posted 3 years ago by justice_will_prevail 3 years ago by justice_will_prevail +15 / -0 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It's intentional...
I'm tired of hearing "what a dummy"
This is the final looting of the American people, the empty suit is setting the country up for complete annihilation.
Where did you read/hear "what a dummy" on this post???
The empty cloud????????? The entire point is to show that Biden doesn't know what he's doing. The people behind Biden know what they're doing and that needs to be the narrative from everyone. THIS IS ALL PLANNED.
We all know what the plan is. That's the entire point of the Q posts.
It doesn't matter if people here believe he's senile, or an imposter or just acting. The goal is the same
The end result is preordained in my opinion
Meh. Not thinking, doesn't automatically infer stupid.
Really?? This is why we are all fucked. You argue a point, I make a valid counter point, and you stick to you position.
Trump himself said Biden was "stupid" That is a lie, the biden agenda is doing exactly what they set out to do.