TLDR, because of the confluence of the midterms, Russian war, COVID side effects exposure and evidence of 2020 election fraud, the only viable option for the DS is to turn USA into dictatorship, they will create riots, burning, looting and murders with their useful idiots (antifa/BLM Vs CIA/FBI backed 'patriots') to accomplish this.
This summer will be more violent than the 'summer of love' in 2020. I say this by the confluence of several key events for example,
Russia/Ukraine war
As the lies are exposed it will further gap the divide between left and right, and the DS are not letting a catastrophe go to waste. It will be good way to label all patriots as traitors for supporting Russia over the US backed Ukraine.
2022 midterms
This will be disasterous fro the Dems and RINOS they know they can't steal this one in November so they will push towards full dictatorship under biden admin. Then cancel the midterm voting because of the exceptional threat America faces with home grown terrorists.
We're hot on their tails with COVID especially in regards to the damage it causes to people and how they explicitly knew all along that this is a killer 'vaccine.'
2020 fraudulent election.
More and more support and evidence will come this year and we will make some good gains in this area, with Trump more active on social media again it will renew a lot of interest and give a platform where the steal can be spread.
In Europe
I expect Russia to move into Europe, I don't think that is Putin's intention, but he has already put his hand to the plough. I believe he wants a better seat at the negotiation table but there is no way they will even offer negotiations, there's no reasoning with these animals.
They will make Putin's position untenable, first by sanctions, now the denial of Swift banking effectively and finally all other controlled countries relinquishing any agreements, treaties or contracts. Making Russia a pariah state and reducing them to poverty.
The MSM say this is to stop Russia's war machine but it is to do the opposite and instigate Putin to push forward into Europe.
Putin and the DS knows Putin can't return home now to watch it die and wait for the vultures come to eat the carcass, the only viable option is war, Putin was forced into that option.
He needs allies to do that so watch Iran and Turkey, his allies in the mideast. I was watching the day of the initial invasion into Ukraine, Putin took time out of his busy schedule to keep in contact with Iran.
All these will converge this summer and it benefits the DS if anarchy and riots explode all over our countries as they will grab full tyrannical control and disregard the Constitution. This is why they built a wall around the White House.
Prepare yourselves for this one, stock up food, ammo and coordinate with your family, friends and neighbour to protect yourselves.
They will be a lot of state sponsored terrorism and unlawful arrests of patriot activists and journalists. They will attack the vocal and influential amongst is first.
Edited for grammar and spelling errors.
Remember we are watching a movie. The Q team, I believe, expects this and is fully prepared for it. The Q team wants the least amount of blood shed and will not allow it. Stay AWAKE, keep loved ones close and I believe there are many more people awake more than ever. God Bless Fren.