You ignored it but when did it end? It ended when millions of people got together and demanded it end, if we just kept ignoring it do you think it would have ended?
You think its a coincidence that even the hardest covid countries like France are getting rid of their mandates right after the massive worldwide freedom push started by the Canadian convoy? Or is it that the millions of people demanding the end manifested the end?
Ignoring is not the way to go. My parents ignored politics and their parents before them did as well, and that's what got us into this mess.
Denazification is a good thing. You know how many civilians were killed by the Nazis in Ukraine? Im focussing on those people being freed and rebuilding.
They couldnt sustain the lie because millions of peoples will was calling out the lie, it had everything to do with the truckers and the truckers supporters. Its not a coincidence that the exact same time the convoy started in Ottawa the establishment lost the ability to sustain the lie, those two thinkgs are linked.
You need to go get a Telegram account and start following some Russian telegrams. I have seen men tattoed with their Nazi bullshit, ive seena bunch of Nazi symbols and flags, ive seen Ukranian Nazis hiding in schools and firing thier guns from residential areas, ive seen a man in the street beaten and shot for no reason(probably because he wouldnt fight) ive seen cars trying to flee being pulled iver and the people inside pulled out and shot.
Im not saying you should subject yourself to the horror, but if youre on the fence about Nazis in Ukraine then you simply havent done your due dilligence in researching. It's really not a hard thing to figure out. Look at my post history to see he Aidar Battalions Jesuit symbolism and Nazi colored patch, which they hide by having a blue and yellow one for the more common soilders.
The police cheif of Kiev is a former Azov Battalion commander. The place has been Nazified.
Being a Nazi is relevant. Not all killing is the same, killing someone because you hate who they are as a person just because of their race is much much worse then someone in a moment of anger killong someone else. The Nazis in Ukraine are literally waging war against the ethnic Russians because they are Russian. Thats a toxic idealogy that bas been built up in these people from childhood, thats the only way you can get people to bomb civillians, and thats why its so important to be so make it so public because thats the only way to help the Nazis, expose them for what they are and then let them make a decision to help rebuild Ukraine in a better way, or die fighting because they know they will never be free for what theyve done.
The DS doesnt care about the aryan race, what they care about is races hating each other because of their race, with Obama and black lives matter and only white people being racist they were attempting to turn around and make the black people the more dominant ones and just repeat the same script but opposite.
The Nazi story wasnt created by the government, Hitler was controlled by the same people the allies were. They used the German people to carry out the atrocities of WWII, all the while punishing them throughout the war with little food and killing many german civillians in Dresden, so that the Germans could take the fall in WWII and use the higher ups to strngthen the DS in the US and start the space narrative. Also building up the holocaust narrative which protects Khazarian fake jews and makes white people extra bad, setting the foundation for the modern leftist white man bad narratives. They also changed the history if the civl war to help with this narrative.
Commies are just as bad and this board calls out the stupid wannabe commies but its not like its either Nazis or Commies and one has to be good. They are both terrible, they are both anti freedom, they are both fronts that seem good to the common man but are literally just to subjugate and hurt humanity.
I mean thats irrelevant to my point dude. The actual true definition of Communism is beautiful, but in action its absolutely terrible and never works. So should i believe a Communist is a good person because the original definion is good? No obviously. Just like the swatstica is ancient and the origjnal idea is greatn but if you see it tattooed on some white dude chest theyre probably a hateful individual. The symbols that people use will tell you what they are, like Q has literally said this. One day we will liberate all the symbols but right now its extremely easy to use the symbols to your advatage to identify whats really going on.
Stop with the Nazi apology, you can hate Hitler and what the Nazis did to the world and at the same time know the german people werent to blame for that, only a very selct few, still know theres bad jews today and that the holocaust narrative is overblown, and still know that Communism is bad, and still know that many many good german And Russina civilians were killed in WWII and after for no reason..
You ignored it but when did it end? It ended when millions of people got together and demanded it end, if we just kept ignoring it do you think it would have ended?
You think its a coincidence that even the hardest covid countries like France are getting rid of their mandates right after the massive worldwide freedom push started by the Canadian convoy? Or is it that the millions of people demanding the end manifested the end?
Ignoring is not the way to go. My parents ignored politics and their parents before them did as well, and that's what got us into this mess.
Denazification is a good thing. You know how many civilians were killed by the Nazis in Ukraine? Im focussing on those people being freed and rebuilding.
They couldnt sustain the lie because millions of peoples will was calling out the lie, it had everything to do with the truckers and the truckers supporters. Its not a coincidence that the exact same time the convoy started in Ottawa the establishment lost the ability to sustain the lie, those two thinkgs are linked.
You need to go get a Telegram account and start following some Russian telegrams. I have seen men tattoed with their Nazi bullshit, ive seena bunch of Nazi symbols and flags, ive seen Ukranian Nazis hiding in schools and firing thier guns from residential areas, ive seen a man in the street beaten and shot for no reason(probably because he wouldnt fight) ive seen cars trying to flee being pulled iver and the people inside pulled out and shot.
Im not saying you should subject yourself to the horror, but if youre on the fence about Nazis in Ukraine then you simply havent done your due dilligence in researching. It's really not a hard thing to figure out. Look at my post history to see he Aidar Battalions Jesuit symbolism and Nazi colored patch, which they hide by having a blue and yellow one for the more common soilders.
The police cheif of Kiev is a former Azov Battalion commander. The place has been Nazified.
Being a Nazi is relevant. Not all killing is the same, killing someone because you hate who they are as a person just because of their race is much much worse then someone in a moment of anger killong someone else. The Nazis in Ukraine are literally waging war against the ethnic Russians because they are Russian. Thats a toxic idealogy that bas been built up in these people from childhood, thats the only way you can get people to bomb civillians, and thats why its so important to be so make it so public because thats the only way to help the Nazis, expose them for what they are and then let them make a decision to help rebuild Ukraine in a better way, or die fighting because they know they will never be free for what theyve done.
The DS doesnt care about the aryan race, what they care about is races hating each other because of their race, with Obama and black lives matter and only white people being racist they were attempting to turn around and make the black people the more dominant ones and just repeat the same script but opposite.
The Nazi story wasnt created by the government, Hitler was controlled by the same people the allies were. They used the German people to carry out the atrocities of WWII, all the while punishing them throughout the war with little food and killing many german civillians in Dresden, so that the Germans could take the fall in WWII and use the higher ups to strngthen the DS in the US and start the space narrative. Also building up the holocaust narrative which protects Khazarian fake jews and makes white people extra bad, setting the foundation for the modern leftist white man bad narratives. They also changed the history if the civl war to help with this narrative.
Commies are just as bad and this board calls out the stupid wannabe commies but its not like its either Nazis or Commies and one has to be good. They are both terrible, they are both anti freedom, they are both fronts that seem good to the common man but are literally just to subjugate and hurt humanity.
I mean thats irrelevant to my point dude. The actual true definition of Communism is beautiful, but in action its absolutely terrible and never works. So should i believe a Communist is a good person because the original definion is good? No obviously. Just like the swatstica is ancient and the origjnal idea is greatn but if you see it tattooed on some white dude chest theyre probably a hateful individual. The symbols that people use will tell you what they are, like Q has literally said this. One day we will liberate all the symbols but right now its extremely easy to use the symbols to your advatage to identify whats really going on.
Stop with the Nazi apology, you can hate Hitler and what the Nazis did to the world and at the same time know the german people werent to blame for that, only a very selct few, still know theres bad jews today and that the holocaust narrative is overblown, and still know that Communism is bad, and still know that many many good german And Russina civilians were killed in WWII and after for no reason..
Any channels you recommend? I don't use telegram much but I do have one.
Intel Slava Z, Bellum Acta,CIG,ASB Military News.