She looks giddy about that. Lemme tell you what burn pits do. They slowly kill you. I had sinus troubles BEFORE OIF/OEF just from the shit air quality in the M.E. and on aircraft carrier flight decks. OEF/OIF made it worse. And it wasn't just the breathing issues. Most of us have migraines, chronic unexplained pain similar to fibromyalgia, various neuralgias, and skin issues now. And I suspect we have some auto immune disrders and cancer sthst can be linked to burning literal shit mixed with JP-5.
She looks giddy about that. Lemme tell you what burn pits do. They slowly kill you. I had sinus troubles BEFORE OIF/OEF just from the shit air quality in the M.E. and on aircraft carrier flight decks. OEF/OIF made it worse. And it wasn't just the breathing issues. Most of us have migraines, chronic unexplained pain similar to fibromyalgia, various neuralgias, and skin issues now. And I suspect we have some auto immune disrders and cancer sthst can be linked to burning literal shit mixed with JP-5.