Seriously, ever since the Texas primaries, I keep seeing posts and comments whining and complaining because things didn't go perfectly in their mind. And now I'm seeing this weird thing being pushed about Missouri RINOs trying to implement ranked choice voting. Before that it was constant whining and complaining about Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
I mean, did people actually expect the deep state to just roll over and die and let us steam roll them? They're not going out peacefully, this is gonna be a fight to their dying breath. It's one of those "movie" situation where they they're gonna keep trying increasingly less effective methods until they just end up limply patting our chest and slide down as the life leaves their body.
Besides, a lot of people seem to forget, push come to shove, the Q team has some method of preventing election fraud past an "acceptable" point. That's how we kept the senate majority in 2018 when they first started this mail in voting and mass cyber cheating.
Likewise, I think a lot of you forget, it's basically an accepted fact that the cabal intended to steal Texas and Florida since 2018. It was meant to start with election of Beto and Andrew Gillum (the democrat that ran against Desantis for governor of Florida). "Oh no the two biggest red states are going blue at the state level for the first time in 20 years!".
They didn't get that though. Instead we got Cruz (A mixed bag admittedly, but he's had his uses), and Desantis (Best Governor in the country hands down). Then came 2020, and again, both states were supposed to go Blue again. All the data said as much, all the propaganda that pushed the narrative that Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were going blue said Texas, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina were going blue as well.
Guess, what, not only did the last four not go blue, but Trump won Florida and Ohio by a record margin, Texas and North Carolina still both went red despite cheating and "record turnout". And all 4 states are now trending redder than ever before and poised to become GOP strongholds along the same line of Alabama or Idaho in the near future.
So obviously, the Q team can prevent the cheating from going past what they want to be allowed for exposure purposes, otherwise, Trump would've just lost Texas, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina the same way he "lost" all the other mentioned states. Some urban center would've shut down voting, and magically found enough points to "win" the states for sleep by 20K vote margins.
So seriously, those of you who are actually dooming, stop it. All is not lost because Abbot and Crenshaw won their primaries. The plan is at work, and judging by everything else going on, I'd say we're winning bigly on pretty much every front. The presence of a massive influx of shills about everything from the elections/primaries, to Ukraine/Russia, and "Q isn't real guys, if he was the plan obviously failed" fags (I see this one a lot), tells me we're winning.
After all, EVERY SINGLE TIME, we gain ground they send in the shill/doomers in both bot and person form to demoralize us don't they?
I would not have noticed I have learned to ignore them