299 Kansas: WRWY (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Mukzn 2 years ago by Mukzn +301 / -2 75 comments download share 75 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I don't think you need any glasses, fren. 😉
Thanks! LOL the mental picture I had after reading cats made me giggle! Ah, what a way to start the weekend.
Its the simple things in life, fren 😁 I wish I had more of these conversations with people in real life who also understand.
It seems we are all spread out across the country almost by design.
I believe God has us spread across the country to act as a net to keep his followers supported and safe. God knows we will look after his people, especially his children. I am grateful there are boards where we can communicate. Have a great weekend.
I absolutely believe you are correct in your assessment! You have a great weekend too friend!