In November 2015, my job was taken from me because I chose not to participate in their EAP (Employee Assistance Program). They were compelling me to this program because I was refusing to participate in certain "team building" exercises that I thought were intrusive and deceptive in their motives. Since I chose to not participate, they chose to terminate my employment. I have not worked for pay since then except small jobs for some family members. I did not draw unemployment benefits, on purpose.
InsteadI started searching for truth. I read books seeking to find out what is true. I searched the internet. I found Q stuff while researching about Seth Rich.
I started reading Q posts and researching on my own. I wrote down stuff to develop my core beliefs and this became my list of 21 things. I read a book, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" to try to understand if the Bible is true. I started reading the Bible again daily to see if it was true. I started talking to God, just asking Him questions. Then I started praying, as I learned more about what I was reading.
Then God started revealing Himself to me. I wrote down what He shared about His attributes, about what I learned from His Word, about what I saw of His work in the world today. I wrote it all down. I have even shared some here on GAW.
Then I started to see God answering my prayers. I noticed He answered my prayer from 2015 in an expansive way. My prayer was regarding harassment. His answer came in my separation from my employer--and expanded from that into elimination of human trafficking, or at least, the work toward that. My prayer was limited, but God's response is not.
When I realized this, I wrote it down and Praised God. I find myself thanking God with every revelation and there are tons of them now.
There is much I wish to share. Over time I may. For now, I had better leave it with this...
From my list of 21 Things:
- God Wins.
- First Go To God.
A great deep one-page daily devotional is "Utmost for his Highest". Highly recommended.
Also, praying the Lord's prayer when you don't know what to pray, is very wise.
Many times, when my heart is too heavy to even think of what to pray, I tell the Lord that He already knows my heart and what my prayer is, even if I can't say it out loud.
I suggest praying the Lord's prayer. It covers everything and fully opens the door for God to move in your life.
I agree. Love it when they are shared. I receive several via email and appreciate them.