I mean really. Gas jumped 60 cents in 2 days. Oil jumped $1.30 a gallon in the past week. I really hope whatever hammer is dropping drops soon. Because i’m positive we’ll be seeing $5,$6,$7 gas but I know I won’t be able to handle that weekly on top of how much everything else is gonna get for another 2.5 years.
Maybe i’m dooming. But it’s obvious the pain we all wanted to see isn’t JUST being afflicted upon the DS. Anyone have words of encouragement?
Maybe i’m in hopium withdrawal idk
Then why are you here? Is it so others can listen to you piss and moan and enjoy the ever so delightful personality you bring to the table? Wisconsin is making moves to desertify 2020. Like always things are happening if you look past the distraction of russia/ukraine. Plenty of drops lining up. Did you read any of the drops?
Quit watching fox. It's rotting your brain.