We don't even see any Made in Russia products other than maybe beer. Meanwhile China and our government fuck us nearly every single day with shitty products, expensive medicine, literal plagues, and then at home things like vaccines, circumcision, horrible crime and violence.
Russia has caused me zero problems in my life, ever. Not once. In spite of the constant media barage I really can't understand why, of all countries, Russia is the one that we can't learn to get along with.
Think about it. We literally Nuked the fuck out of Japan.... yet we are allies with Japan now. Germany were literal nazis... yet we are allies. In fact, almost every "bad" country, from WW2 and WW1 we are now allies with.... EVEN FUCKING CHINA... except Russia.
Why. Why if people and countries can change can't they? If it was racist to ban flights from China and call it the China Virus, why are people throwing out Russian Vodka and banning their athletes... WE JUST HAD THE OLYMPICS IN CHINA... THE SOURCE OF THE CHINA VIRUS THAT FUCKED US ALL MORE THAN ANYTHING SINCE WW2!!!! What the fuck is really going on?
You know the kind of country that sides with all the "bad guys" after a war? That's right... either an evil country OR one that lost the war but told its citizens that it didn't.
Does Russia know the truth? Is the way the second world war wrapped up all bullshit? Did we actually lose? My mind is getting fucked up over this.
The NWO, Great Reset, Transhumanism, Hollywood Cabal, Illuminati, Globalists, 1% Reptiles, Poison jabs, Freemasons, Spirit Cookers, Pedophiles, Pedovores, Filthy rich, Satanists, Human Traffickers, Cannibals, The Royals, Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Soros, Klaus Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Witches, Warlocks, Biological Labs for Weaponry, The Central Banks, WHO, NIH, CDC, NIAD, WEF, FBI, CIA, Concentration Camps, Adrenochrome junkies, etc, all worship and serve Satan. They are all Satanic.
It's all come down to God vs Satan. God will win.