If you're not HAPPY, you're not HELPING.
Please do read the above statement / quote as many times as it takes to truly, deeply, sink in.
Because if you can truly get it, it will change everything.
WHAT IF I told you there was a WAY faster way to speed up the Great Awakening than merely redpilling people?
WHAT IF there was a way to shift yourself into a reality where the Great Awakening was already in progress?
WHAT IF you had a secret power to awaken the masses, that had nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with what you did, but instead, what energy or frequency or vibration or vibe you RADIATED?
The universe's greatest secret (hidden from you most deviously by your buddies of/from the Deep State) is that YOU are the whole and soul CREATOR of your Own AND* Collective REALITY.
And how do you even CREATE your own REALITY?
SIMPLE. By radiating a higher Vibrational Frequency or VIBE.
And how do you do that, you wonder?
You do so simply through being in complete and total alignment with God's very greatest vision for you, i.e. his beloved children.
And what is God's very greatest vision for YOU?
What does God truly want you to even BE?
Same as what every single parent wants for their child.
For them to be happy.
So in order to align with God's highest vision for you, you must first find ways to bring in *ever more JOY into your life using literally WHATEVER means that so you have at your disposal, except for, of course, addictions and excesses (as excess of absolutely anything is bad, simply owing to Nature's / God's Laws for maintaining balance and harmony between everyone and everything).
You bring more joy into your life by following your truest, deepest desires.
It could be as simple as enjoying a hot bowl of delicious soup as it snows outside. It could be as complex as solving a challenging mathematical puzzle.
It could be going for a walk in nature. It could be making incredible art or music. It could be listening to music that uplifts your mood. Or doing so simultaneously whilst watching a fun 4K HD tourism video on YouTube or something and totally, entirely, immersing yourselves in the experience.
It could be watering your plants. It could be playing your favourite sport or indoor game. It could be as simple as having a joyous conversation with a loved one.
But, you can take it even further by actually finding en-joy-ment even in your everyday "boring" tasks such as doing the dishes or painting your fence. Just remember how kids (usually under 3-5 years of age) are able to find JOY in the simplest, silliest of things --- often, even things that adults see as troublesome chores.
But that is not ALL that God wants of YOU.
Because you see, since God wants ALL of his children to BE and EXPERIENCE pure JOY, it logically follows that you bringing joy to all of God's other remaining children too, must in fact bring God (and by virtue of that, bring YOU) tremendous amounts of joy too.
In other words, SERVING others is a FANTASTIC way of amplifying both your OWN JOY, AS WELL AS that of OTHERS as WELL.
After all, as GOD'S children, you are all a whole lot like siblings at the end of the day.
Since at your very core, and ALL of your imagined "differences" aside, you are all ONE and ONE WITH GOD too.
Thus you are all connected ETERNALLY at the end of the day.
Thus when you bring JOY, HOPE, LOVE, or POSITIVITY into another human's, animal's, (or even plant's!) LIFE, you are not only serving THEM but also serving YOU.
This JOY you can FREELY experience through even but the SIMPLEST acts of UNCONDITIONAL SERVICE.
This SERVICE (towards others) can be as very challenging as providing food for 10 others in your neighbourhood during a natural disaster, or as simple as merely smiling at someone feeling lonely / depressed and making their very day, reminding them deep within that they are SEEN, LOVED, and that EVERYTHING is going to be OKAY for them too eventually.
It can be as simple as simply praying for another, or as tricky as playing Ronin Hood when so needed.
Hence the words, LOVE thy NEIGHBOUR as thy SELF.
EVERY LAST ACT of KINDNESS that you do towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.
EVERY LAST ACT of LOVE that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.
EVERY LAST ACT of FORGIVENESS that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.
EVERY LAST ACT of COMPASSION that you put out towards another OR even your OWN SELF COUNTS.
Every smile you put on another's face, must boomerang back on your own.
Every sadness-filled TEAR that you put on another's face, must ALSO boomerang back on your OWN as well.
The CHOICE to do what or avoid doing what is always, always, ALWAYS YOURS.
The TRICK here is to find a way to bring JOY to others' lives *as well as to that of your OWN SELF SIMULTANEOUSLY.
If you simply serve your OWN SELF at the COST OF (inappropriately) snatching something away from the rest, it's an imbalance because you're literally fucking with the joy of God's other children.
At the same time, if you simply went and martyred your own self at the cost of serving or pleasing others, then that too is an imbalance as YOU are God's child too. Thus that too is basically giving God a big fuck you, no matter how very "well intended" or "noble."
Of course, there ARE INDEED times and places when one must legitimately martyr oneself for a TRULY noble and greater cause, the greater good, so to speak. However, these opportunities are indeed THAT BIG (in their scope / significance / importance / numbers-of-people-served), and NOT to be considered an everyday occurrence in absolutely ANY way, shape or form. In other words, such situations / opportunities to serve the WHOLE by martyring one's OWN SELF (for a far, FAR GREATER cause) are ENTIRELY exceptions and NOT the RULE by any means.
IN SUMMARY: whether you bring JOY to your OWN SELF (without indulging in excesses, addictions, or inappropriately snatching away some thing from another)... OR... whether you bring JOY to another without (unnecessarily) martyring your OWN joy in the process, you are increasing your VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OUTPUT.
Which in turn speeds up the Great Awakening GREATLY, not only just for YOU, but also for all OTHERS too! (as ALL are CONNECTED to one-another for eternity, ultimately).
So go find some ways to make your own life more and more and all the more JOYFUL with EACH passing DAY and EACH passing MOMENT no less.
AND + OR find some ways to be of UN-CONDITIONAL SERVICE to another! For serving others too is perhaps one of the very GREATEST ways of finding, and truly FEELING joyful YOURSELF!
So go FIND YOUR JOY in creating inspiring artworks or catchy poetry or creating MESMERIZING songs or even fucking bathroom singing, if THAT'S what makes you happy / floats your boat! (we do no judgements, here!)
Go FIND YOUR JOY in solving your favourite mathematical equations or coding or inventing something cool.
Go FIND YOUR JOY in painting your bike in your garage or simply watching raindrops trickle down over your window panes.
Go FIND YOUR JOY in being a CHILD AT HEART once again.
What if the LACK OF LOVE AND KINDNESS that you see in your OUTSIDE WORLD was simply a lack of love that you feel TOWARDS YOUR OWN SELF AND ALL OTHERS?
...moreover, and this one's perhaps gonna hit many of ya'll hard ...but...
What if all of the CHILD ABUSE that you see in the EXTERNAL WORLD "out there" was merely a REFLECTION of you perpetually abusing the hell out of the CHILD WITHIN?
Just a little something for you to think about and ponder over.
Be KIND once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.
Be COMPASSIONATE once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.
Be FORGIVING once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.
Be LOVING and HELPFUL once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.
and, above all...
Be JOY-FULL and JOY-FILLED once again, like you WERE as a CHILD.
Also, a quick note before I end this: You can even send your LOVE and GRATITUDE towards your (so-called) "inanimate" objects too. And watch how joy-fully and help-fully THEY TOO respond to you in return For God is in ALL things, and ALL things are conscious in some way, shape, or form. And even science itself is getting closer and closer each day to this very understanding.
As an example, try being loving and appreciative and GRATEFUL towards your Car for instance. And literally (as "silly" as this may even sound), ASK IT to keep you safe on the streets. ASK IT (if it's running low on fuel) to see if it can go a little more distance... just for YOU. ASK IT to maintain itself from within in such a way that it not only requires less maintenance, but also, that any maintenance operations it therefore undergoes flow smooth, easy, NICE and QUICK.
ASK the GOD within your CAR or OVEN or WHATEVER-ELSE to WORK FOR YOU in the most PERFECT and EFFICIENT way IMAGINABLE. And you'll well be SURPRISED with what you'll truly end up FINDING, here.
There's an incredible spiritual teacher I'm aware of who basically shared a story of how a full blown tornado was to hit her home shortly. And she just looked towards the approaching tornado and sent it a thought-message (telepathically) with pictures of her own home, requesting it to NOT harm it (her home) in any way, shape or form. And so, the tornado ended up ripping through her whole town, ravaging her neighbours' homes and all, and yet, somehow, her home was left alone. Just a fun story I was guided to share with you all here, today. (Go try it to believe it!)
IN CONCLUSION: The higher your vibrational frequency, the higher the amount of Joy or Love or LIGHT that you bring into and RADIATE ONTO this world of ours. And, as more and more people start doing just that, well, the more the amount of LIGHT there is to RAPIDLY dispel all darkness at speeds faster than your very wildest CONCEPTIONS!
And since GOD / SPIRIT ultimately rules over ALL MATTER --- this is by FAR THE fastest technique of assisting the Great Awakening, all because it works directly FOR and WITH GOD; and by using (energetic / spiritual / metaphysical) ways, laws, rules and principles OF God (and aligned with God's truest, deepest, highest intentions for hue-mankind) to achieve the same.
And this is the way to ultimately fight a SPIRITUAL WAR.
FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS MESSAGE wherever you so can for the benefit of ALL, be it through directly sharing this to your Social Medias, or your online offline groups and communities and chats, or through your conversations with loved ones and neighbours and acquaintances and colleagues, or even telepathically!
Thank you all for reading!
Enjoy the show.