Everything can be discovered by any simple craft.
Whittling, crochet, paper-crafts, cooking, etc.
It's The Creative Process.
Once you understand anything you Create is following the same process, you ask yourself the question "How did God make everything?"
God used the Creative Process -- and it's eternal and ongoing.
He planted it in everything we know. To go against the process means going against God.
When you make something, you follow the process as such:
- 1 Idea
- 2 Plan
- 3 Blueprint
- 4 Gather Resources
- 5 Build the Parts
- 6 Put the Parts Together
- 7 Complete your Creation
- 8 Put your Creation through Trials and Tests
- 9 Declare of your Creation "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
10, 11, and 12 aren't meant for us to know just yet. Lucifer is keeping them hidden from us. That's the fight we're in right now. Dark -> Light
I, personally, believe 10, 11, and 12 are actually the fulfillment propagations of of 3, 6, and 9. The Result of Results -- The Fulfilment of Christ's Promise, Life Eternal and Heavenly Paradise.
Add each first, second and third third of the thirds (hard to follow, I know...)
The Sum of Lesser Plans (Plant)
1 + 4 + 7 = 12
The Sum of Lesser Actions (Growth)
2 + 5 + 8 = 15
The Sum of Lesser Results (Harvest)
3 + 6 + 9 = 18
Then find their digital roots.
1 + 2 = *3
1 + 5 = *6
1 + 8 = *9
*3 = 10, *6 = 11, *9 = 12 of the New Order of Kingdoms.
It appears that God tasked Justice to form the Middle Order of Angels as the 456 (backwards is 654, which is FED aka The Federal Reserve aka House of Lucifer). This explains it the best way I've seen so far.
Some say that when the angels were created, and were arranged in six divisions--Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels--the three lower divisions reflected (saying), 'What is the reason that these are set above, and we below? for they have not previously done anything more than we, neither do we fall short of them.' On account of this reflection as a cause, according to the custom of the (divine) government, Justice took from both sides, and established three other middle classes of angels--Lords, Powers, and Rulers--that the upper might not be (unduly) exalted, nor the lower think themselves wronged.
Lucifer was the Cherubim of the "Higher" Angels who was chosen to lead the Middle Order, and his Rebellion and usurpation of the 456, now 654, means that he "controls" the "labor" of Man. It was 1/3rd the Angels of Heaven he deceived and which fell with him.
The part of the Creative process by which we must gather resources, build things, and put everything together in a cohesive form. Because of this, Man has been cursed (Adam's Fall) to toil in the fields (gather resources), build shelter and clothes (for survival), and has lost sense of the Big Picture of God's Design (putting the parts/ideas together).
Also to Adam he said, Because thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, (whereof I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it) [a]cursed is the earth for thy sake: in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. - Genesis 3:17
Christ Jesus filed a claim of rightful ownership for the 456, as it is his rightful Inheritance, and ever since then we've been in a Civil Court where Jesus' lawyers (God's Angels, Michael, Gabriel, etc.) and Lucifer's lawyers (Astaroth 4, Beelzebub 5, Baphomet 6) have been demonstrating who has Just claim to the Inheritance of God's Creation.
We are the Jury.
The Truth is that Man was meant to inherit God's Creation, not Lucifer.
The Judge is the Law, God's Creation that oversees the Cycles(Macro-Time). If Lucifer can sway the Judge, he claims the Cycles (Time) and viola, he is the Dark Ruler of Creation. He then gets the Judge to dismiss the case, and Jesus would have to file an appeal.
How he intends to sway the Judge is by taking the Law out of context and convince the Judge that he is contradicting the Law. In other words slander (translation for Devil).
The Judge couldn't be fooled, because Jesus demonstrated that He was the Law (through the Passion and Resurrection).
Now Lucifer's only chance of keeping the inheritance he stole from Adam (the first Man, where Jesus is the First Man) is to convince the Jury, which is us, that Lucifer stole it fair and square.
That's where we are (at least according to my crazy ass).
Once the case is settled, and Jesus is finally awarded his Inheritance, he will share it with us and the 10, 11, and 12th phases of Creation will be made known. Does that mean this is the End Times? No, it just means that the "reign" of Lucifer is coming to an end. If you want a percentage, we are currently about 60% of the way through the Temporal History of Man, if I had to guess.
It's time to catch up, Ponyboy. We're going GOLD!