Milo, if you read this. Abstain from those sins. You are young. Give it at least a year. I once got dropped from a woman i loved greatly and did not date again for almost 10 years.
Visit our national parks and go hiking. Watch your health. Eat and sleep right. Spend time with yourself.
Read and contemplate.
Id suggest marcus aurelius meditations to start and become more stoic.
Hike and enjoy nature while repairing your mind and body.
Abstain from physical materialistic pleasure.
Work on your spirituality.
Jesus and the gospel would help more than you could imagine.
Milo, if you read this. Abstain from those sins. You are young. Give it at least a year. I once got dropped from a woman i loved greatly and did not date again for almost 10 years.
Visit our national parks and go hiking. Watch your health. Eat and sleep right. Spend time with yourself.
Read and contemplate.
Id suggest marcus aurelius meditations to start and become more stoic.
Hike and enjoy nature while repairing your mind and body.
Abstain from physical materialistic pleasure.
Work on your spirituality.
Jesus and the gospel would help more than you could imagine.
What hurts to give it a try?