Reports of possible False Flag events or EU situations getting worse. But Ukraine and Russia are at a cease fire at the moment. In New Zealand bricks and small explosives thrown at police today as Protests increased. The US Trucker Convoy is at 10,000 strong and nearing DC as the Feds “prepare”. In our Congress no Political decisions are making sense. Biden’s verbal salad is getting worse. And last Jen Pissucki openly lied about our oil capacity on live news vs buying Russian oil.
But Everyone is Ignoring What China is Prepping For!
Are the Anons waiting for America’s “near death experience” while our economy sputters up and down to the massive collapse? Yes, yes we are. And we are wondering what the beginning of that “near death experience” starts with?
With Taiwan. I have this feeling our DemoLib led Congress is so hooked on Ukraine and in love with China, that when they assault Taiwan, they’ll almost brush it off for a day or two, while Hawaii and Midway immediately prepare themselves for Incoming. Pearl Harbor like event to start? Yes. “Watch the Water” Trump and Q.
I definately fear a FF, on the Convoy,...just my gut feeling,...cant shake it off,..!
I'm sure the gas prices going up a $1.00 per gallon in the last week or so has 'nothing' to do with the trucker convoy.....NOT.
If the truckers continuously drive around the Washington DC beltway, even it if it is half of the total of 10,000, this will muck up the traffic in DC without any real allegations of crimes being committed. Two, three, or more groupings of 2500 or so trucks circling the beltway would control the traffic in DC.
Contrary to this, the Ottawa 'truck-in" consisted of parked trucks around the parliament building and downtown. Trudeau eventually decided to call for a declaration of a national emergency. This is was more of an excuse to use the police state to remove and arrest the parked truckers. In 3rd world nations, the police state has long used this method to remove squatters from lands the government wants cleared. This was how the truckers were treated.
If the truckers are a moving convoy, it's much more difficult for them to be categorized as 'squatters'. The convoy can make their demands heard by controlling the the beltway traffic at any hour they choose. The speed limit is typically 55 mph. That is, the maximum limit of speed is posted at 55 mph. Speeds less than that are legal (within reason). Just the added number of trucks on the road will cause traffic to precipitously slow down.
The Trucker convoy needs to be prescient and aware of the 'squatter' categorization and avoid entrapment. It's a sure thing this will be attempted by the DC government.
This is exactly the plan, a slow roll.