Search complementary color to blue. Especially web development.
Bright yellow is also commanding next to blue, which is its complementary color on the color wheel.
The colors that pair well with bright yellow include:
Navy blue.
I wonder if the dude who choose the colors for the Ukraine had a similar job...
Big Tech is totes in on it, where have you even been?
I wonder which came first, the color wheel or knowledge of colors (wavelengths) having effects on people. I wonder if knowledge of how colors (wavelengths) affect people had anything to do with constructing the color (wavelength) wheel....
It is subconscious manipulation. Are you upset that perhaps you were a willing or unwilling accomplice? Did you, with your swaths of knowledge, know that wavelengths had effects on people? Where is that knowledge on the color wheel? I provided many links, you failed to debunk the information provided. Instead we are to believe that you are an insider.... (nice move, btw) and that means that you are an expert in the field. Probably schooled and everything. Yet the world is collapsing because of a bunch of experts that were definitely schooled. So we absolutely trust you.
Complementary colors aren't arbitrary. They have a scientific relationship, test it yourself. Complementary colors, when combined, neutralize eachother and become a shade of grey.
Search complementary color to blue. Especially web development.
Bright yellow is also commanding next to blue, which is its complementary color on the color wheel. ... The colors that pair well with bright yellow include: Blue. Navy blue. Purple. Lavender. Indigo. Violet. Black. White.
I really gotta know why you are pushing this wheel so hard!
Because I work in industry for web design and know you and OP are full of shit.
I wonder if the dude who choose the colors for the Ukraine had a similar job...
Big Tech is totes in on it, where have you even been?
I wonder which came first, the color wheel or knowledge of colors (wavelengths) having effects on people. I wonder if knowledge of how colors (wavelengths) affect people had anything to do with constructing the color (wavelength) wheel....
It is subconscious manipulation. Are you upset that perhaps you were a willing or unwilling accomplice? Did you, with your swaths of knowledge, know that wavelengths had effects on people? Where is that knowledge on the color wheel? I provided many links, you failed to debunk the information provided. Instead we are to believe that you are an insider.... (nice move, btw) and that means that you are an expert in the field. Probably schooled and everything. Yet the world is collapsing because of a bunch of experts that were definitely schooled. So we absolutely trust you.
Damn that flat AND smooth brain of mine.
Complementary colors aren't arbitrary. They have a scientific relationship, test it yourself. Complementary colors, when combined, neutralize eachother and become a shade of grey.
This is irrefutable science.