This has been on my mind for a while now. And I just wanted to throw out my thoughts, along with a bit of research and see if I could start a conversation on the topic. I think this is an important topic to discuss, given we're quickly approaching the "beginning of the end" so to speak, what with everything coming out at an increasingly accelerated rate.
Anyway, why "The Great Awakening"? Of all the phrases Q could have used, why this one? We know Q almost never speaks in direct context. In fact, pretty much everything they've ever said has at least a dozen meanings. The obvious is people waking up to the cabal and shaking off their brainwashing. But while that IS part of it, I don't think that's all.
You'd have to be willfully ignorant to not see of the religious subtext and themes that Q espouses. Whether you want to admit it or not, it's quite clear that our entire movement is based in Christianity. I mean, our enemy are literal satanists after all. So it stands to reason, that when Q refers to our movement as "The Great Awakening" there has to be SOME religious context there.
Now this is where it gets fun. There have been FOUR previous "Great Awakenings" in the history of America. Each one a result of a few individuals starting a massive grassroots movement that led to a massive religious revival.
It's a bit beyond my capacity to get into the specifics of all 4 previous "Great Awakenings", given it's a long and complicated history. But there's a pattern to be found when you plot out the timeline. America was originally founded with religious freedom being one of the main goals of the original colonists. So contrary to what some may say, we ARE a Christian nation in origin and birth.
But, just like Israel in the old testament, we are prone to being led astray from God. Every 30-50 years in our history as both a nation and as colonies, Americans would gradually become less and less religious. Taking up views and and morals that no longer align with the Bible or God's will. The lack of Biblical adherence and Morality that we see today isn't anything new. It's happened no less than 4 times in the history of our nation. I hate to break it to you guys, but if you think all of this gay agenda, pornographic agenda, etc. has only been around for the last 50 years or so. You're wrong. It's been here since before the nation was founded thanks to our European roots. The only real difference, is that through the use of advanced manipulation techniques, the modern cabal is able to force it out into the open rather than corrupt in secret.
Now having said that, you have to realize, America is a VERY young nation. Using July 4th, 1776 as the "birthday" of the USA, we're only 245 years old. Compare that to European nations with histories that go back a 1,000+ years, the middle east and asia where nations have history in the 1,000's of years.
So why is that every single time in our short history that we turn away from the Lord, SOMETHING happens that causes a "Great Awakening" which is always followed by a massive national religious revival? Every 30-50 years we have a new Great Awakening, without fail. This isn't true of any other nation on the planet. The only comparable example would be historic Israel in the Bible. Ever few generations (30-50 years) they too would fall away from the Lord, have some event, and come back to him.
Now combine this with Trump, who is pretty much the face of our movement, being the only president in the last 30-40 years who openly expressed EXTREMELY Christian beliefs, and is the ONLY President in modern history to openly proclaim Jesus Christ to be our nations Savior and true Ruler. (I don't remember if it was last Christmas or the one before, but he did it during a Christmas speech in Texas if I remember correctly).
Now, with all of that in mind, look at the time line. The "Fourth Great Awakening" lasted from 1960-1980. Meaning we're in the 30-50 year time frame where we're due for another "Great Awakening" and religious revival.
I think that's exactly what all of this is. I'm not idolizing Trump when I say this, I just can't think of another example that could possibly convey what I'm trying to get at. I think we're currently in the "Fifth Great Awakening" and Trump and the white hats are essentially David, fighting Goliath in the form of the Cabal. When this is all over, just like every other time in history, we'll have a MASSIVE religious revival like we've never seen before. And with that comes a return to traditional morals, lifestyles, etc. No more gay/trans agenda (Probably reversal of all the laws that empowered them and normalized it as well), no more abortion, no more declining birth rates, no more debt slavery (so young people can live off of one income, afford a house to rent/buy, raise a larger family, etc.).
Discussion is welcome, but this is where I think we are right now. This is why "It's going to be Biblical". Because it's literally Biblical, as the "Fifth Great Awakening" and God's preparing to turn our nation back to him en masse. That's why Q says "God wins", cause this is all part of God's plan, and as we all know. When God decides something is going to happen, it happens and nothing can stop it (NCSWIC).
Forgive the wikipedia link, but it's the easiest off hand.
First Great Awakening: 1730-1755 (Lasted 25 years)
Second Great Awakening: 1790-1840 (Lasted 50 years: 35 year gap from previous GA)
Third Great Awakening: 1855-1930 (Lasted 75 years: 55 year gap from previous GA)
Fourth Great Awakening: 1960-1980 (Lasted 20 years: 30 year gap from previous GA)
Fifth Great Awakening: 2015-TBD (Lasted TBD years: 35 year gap from previous GA)
I say 2015 since that's when Trump first came onto the political scene.