posted ago by propertyofUniverse ago by propertyofUniverse +74 / -0

I've ordered some quite high strength nattokinase supplement capsules and have started taking them. My rationale is that the "rubbery clots" which embalmers are finding my many of the recently dead are fibrin build ups in the blood vessels due to the vax.

I want to be able to offer solutions to vaxxed people who wake up and realise that they are at high risk of developing clots or may already have them. I wan to have tried the substance myself, as i already have done previously with ivermectin so that I can say that for me at least, it's safe.

nattokinase is an enzyme produced by bacteria which grow in the Japanese food "natto" which is fermented soya beans. This enzyme is known already to break down existing clots just by dissolving the rubbery fibrin in them. The enzyme is also known for treating scar tissue, fibromyalgia, migraine, arthritis, sinus polyps and high blood pressure.

I've been taking it for 2 days now. I noticed immediate changes. My sinuses cleared within an hour or two, both sides. This seems to quick to be connected, but it was my experience. I have a 28 year old knee injury which is unstable and tight at the same time and has arthritis in it. Within a day I could tuck this leg into approaching a lotus position because the ligaments were that bit looser. It also hurts less with the arthritis.

My pulse has dropped from 49 bpm to 43 bpm. There are only these two data points so far.

So far, my experience has been very positive with my nattokinase experiment and I'm glad I tried it. Hopefully I'll be able to recommend it someone who really needs it.
