From Robin D Bulloch this:
(AND I added my own too)
-There were over a billion dollars of cash laundered to Iran? Why?
-Why would Iran be given this money?
-Who gave them this money?
-Why would Obama tell Russia I can do more when I am out of office?
-Who said they would be up for a third term as president if they could sit in a basement and put an earpiece in someone's ear and do it through them?
-Who is the only president to stay in DC after he was no longer president?
-What president bowed to a saudi king?
-Who is the only president to organize over 250 community groups since 2010?
-How does someone sit in a basement with a face covering, run for president of the US, draw maybe 250 people to a parking lot, defeat an incumbent so popular, they could hold 5 rallies a day and draw 15 to 20,000 people per rally?
-How does that happen?
-Who was it that said the next president would face a pandemic?
-How does a Vice President threaten a company in the Ukraine withholding federal money if they don't fire a certain person and it be on video? A billion dollar bribe?
-How does a man with clear mental issues and who is the most unpopular politician we know in decades become president of the united states?
-How are the ballots places closed down in the middle of counting and then in the middle of the night, people get caught pulling hidden boxes out from under a table and adding them to a tablet?
-How does that happen and nobody go to jail?
-Why did things like this only happen in Swing States?
-Why did they have the god of Shiva outside their door of CERN show up in a meeting between the WHO and China- Even though it had nothing to do with neither health or reform?
-Who replicated their selves as said god of Shiva?
-Where did COVID really originate from?
-Who fiercely try to mandate the pandemic, institute mandates, and drive up fears (and numbers)?
-Who's being censored?
-Who's censoring?
-What can't be questioned?
-Which genre of the entertainment industry is dominating over all the others?
-What are the biggest shows on tv and has been for sometime now? Reality Programming
-Why is there a need to bring in a fake set, if you were indeed the POTUS?
-Who, when she was First Lady, invited 2 popular witches into the WH? Why did they hold a séance and why did they channel the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt?
-Why were there a human sacrifice performance by people in robes at CERN?
-Who destroyed the temple of Baal, but left the arc untouched?
-Which group, even if they were a bunch of things in outsourced toyatos and machine guns and radical philosophies, get sponsored by?
-Why did truck drivers haul brand new toyota pickups to the southern border (Mexico) and ISIS tagged along with them?
-Who ordered that?
-Why was the Arch of baal 3d printed and showed up in central park when HRC ran for president?
-Why was the arch of baal placed in the park across the street from the judicial building when Brett Kavanaugh was being confirmed?
-Why did boris johnson dedicate an arch of baal in london?
-Why did the president of italy dedicate one as well?
-Why was there plans to 3d print 1,000 of them?
-Who is trying to instill fear amongst the global populace?
-What is their agenda?
-Who finances them?
-Who owns the media?
-Who owns the governments?
-Who are being enslaved?
-Who are losing?
-Who are winning?
-Why is this necessary?
-What's the end result?
-What's the narrative?
-When will truth prevail?
-Who will get all the Glory in the end?
Possibly, there will be people that could handle all the information that would come out, and others that would not.
What I guess what we need to do is to just get more information out to the public before the eventual magnitude of what's been covered up, is relayed to the public.
These are just some questions that I came across. Just something to keep in mind. Not that anyone on this forum really needs it, since we're aware of this already.
Anyone is welcome to ignore these questions, or to disseminate to family or friends if they feel they're useful.
Whatever they decide to do with it, has no effect on the questions asked here.
It could be used as a resource, as a reminder, or as something to brush off. Whatever it is, it could be useful to someone than to another.
I will probably give these questions to my family members who still refuse to believe anything we're saying here. Maybe when Trump comes back, they'll look back on these question and ask for more clarification? I'm not sure, knowing my family.
It most definitely isn't original, and probably annoying to others in the community who want something more substantive, for discussions. That's not bad.
When the post is eventually unpinned, perhaps something more engaging and 'less annoying' will fill its place/s
Thanks for the 'discussion'