OMG, quick announcement, due to an uptick in general abuse, please note! The mod team will not tolerate shill faggots going after our based gay frogs! We love autists, whatever frender or orientation they might be! It's not their fault their mums drank the tap water! 🌈)))>>--❤️

I honestly don't care if someone is gay or not.
I know plenty of honest, good Americans who are gay.
Some gay people aren't good or honest. Some are scumbags.
Some straight people aren't good or honest either... and some are scumbags.
Being a good American and contributing to our nation has nothing to do with who you love or what your sexual preferences may be. There is no right for me to impose MY views on someone else's lifestyle choices. After all... that's what we are all here fighting for... the right to have freedom of choice, freedom from coercion and freedom from being forced to conform to someone else's arbitrary rules about how we live our lives.
Shouldn't we agree that everyone should have that same freedom?
Agreed. I know plenty of scummy "Christians" and in general scummy people. It's a people thing not a "which box is checked" thing. I've seen many around here scream about not having the lefts agenda, the gay agenda, their neighbors agenda, etc crammed down their throat while simultaneously trying to cram Christianity down others. There's also a big trend going around of turning off any critical thought and simply defaulting to muh Jesus. Some post calling for careful analysis isn't the time to promote your favorite scripture. Its unhelpful and the only people drawn to that are the people that already belive as you do so it brings no "conversion points" to the table. Too many people ignore the fact that religion (of all varieties) has been massively perverted for centuries and on many occasions used as a tool of keeping the pleabs in line. A tool used to create cannon fodder for the elites we all claim to despise. It ain't just Catholicism either though that's a damn good example. Any talk of this usually illicits an extremely emotional knee jerk response- sound like any other "group" we know?
Believe what you want. But forcing people to belive what you deem to be "truth" is exactly what the left does and I assure you they too feel they have the moral superiority to do it. That they are in the right. Etc. I grew up parentless. I'm 33. I dont need new parents and lecturing someone isn't going to get them to come to Jesus it's most likely going to make them nope right the fuck outta there.