OMG, quick announcement, due to an uptick in general abuse, please note! The mod team will not tolerate shill faggots going after our based gay frogs! We love autists, whatever frender or orientation they might be! It's not their fault their mums drank the tap water! 🌈)))>>--❤️

I refuse to accept homosexuality as "normal" just like I refuse to accept transexuals as "normal". Granted, there's a fine line here that I find too many people think of as an "US VS THEM" type dynamic. I'm a VERY religious Christian. I personally believe that anyone who isn't heterosexual has "something" wrong with them. Whether it's some form of subliminal cabal brainwashing, parasites, neurological abnormalities, etc. Is up for debate. But I maintain it's by no means normal.
Now having said that, anyone who claims to be a Christian, while also calling for violence or Jim Crow type discrimination against gays aren't Christians. They're morons. Jesus himself sat with sinners, so he could lead them to salvation. If you never stretch out your hand and show them the light of Jesus, how can you expect them to turn away from their sins?
It's an utterly retarded state of mind that I'll never understand. I've had gay and bi friends before. Several of them are now straight, as they've turned to Jesus through the outreach of actual Christians.
That being said, anyone ignoring the Christian themes of the Q posts is deluding themselves. It's VERY blunt and in your face. So while I welcome all patriots to join us in fighting evil, it's stupid to try and ignore one of the biggest running themes throughout all of Q's posts to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
As for this post, personally I find it a bit divisive. I get that's it's supposed to be a meme, but I basically live on this board anymore and I've only seen literally one post in the past month that has anything to do with what's being referenced here. There was some moronic troll calling a mod a fag and talking about how all gays should be killed.
I hardly think one moron is worth the division being caused by this, given we're all used to them at this point. So while there may have been meme-ish intentions here, I think this post is doing more harm than good for us as a whole.