I want to be a winner but I feel like a loser because I have done nothing great in this world. I define great as creating something that masses of people get benefit from - an impactful change on some part of the world. Every time I try I fail.
To motivate myself, I watch clips of Trump videos giving advice to succeed, but I don't think it's working. Lately I haven't been feeling motivated to do my current work because I don't feel like it's making an impact. I'm questioning if it's the kind of work that I truly love. I know I need to find what I love and do that because if I do, I'll never stop doing it.
I'm not sure what to do. I suppose I'm asking for advice so that I can make something of myself and do something great that people care about. If I keep doing things not many care about, there's no point to keep doing it. At the same time, I'm asking myself what I should do. Any thoughts are appreciated. God bless.
A man and his son were walking along the beach one morning after a storm.
Eventually they came across a starfish, stranded on the sand. The boy knew that soon it would dry out and die, so he picked it up and threw it into the ocean. His father smiled at him and said what a kindness it was.
As they walked further, they came upon a stretch of beach where there were hundreds of thousands of starfish stranded on the sand, drying out and near to dying, As they continued walking along, the boy would stoop, pick up a starfish and throw it into the water. His father asked; "what is the point, son? you can not save them all. You are just wasting your time." The boy replied; "Maybe so, but I saved that one."
u/quinoa, It is not for you to decide whether you have done some great thing... That is for God to decide. Do good everyday. God will find the right thing for you to do, when it is time, and in his eyes it will be great enough. All else is just ego. Be at peace.
Wonderful reply. God bless!