WOW. Kelly Townsend running against Wendy Rogers. Thanks Arizona redistricting! Sorry for the MSM link.
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IMHO, from what we've seen so far:
Rogers = talk/hype, use of military background as "proof" of ability (+Jeb Bush over Trump gross error)
Townsend = history of working to get things done
Kelly Townsend has been a problem recently focusing on taking down outspoken allies and Trump supporters rather than getting work done.
I'm glad there is someone with the backbone of Wendy Rogers who we can rely on to not cave when special interest groups are putting pressure on. AZ needs people like Wendy, not Kelly.
Oh, that is due to redistricting? Maybe that is why Kelly has turned against Wendy.
Wendy Rogers got censured by her fellow election crime pursuers in AZ for supporting some really stupid (IMO) comments by Nick Fuentes. Something about Jews in ovens like baking cookies, not enough bodies found in mass graves to support claims of millions dead. Wendy didn't say she supports his right to free speech nor did she object to anything particularly obnoxious, only that she supported him.
She was on fire ever since the AZ audit, the cyber symposium, the petition to decertify across state legislatures. After that it seemed she ran out of steam and I sort of lost track of her.
Nick has had a sort of funky, playful attitude. Nick received and read out a caller question about 'baking cookies' and responded to it. The Jewish lobby pressured people to disavow and condemn Nick for contradicting their lies on the matter. Wendy refused to disavow him.
About The Holocaust™
Something else used against her was that she stated something about traitors or criminals facing justice or being hung or some such and they said that she was threatening violence against her fellow congressmen. In truth, it could only be interpreted that way for the criminal congressmen.