I need all the peer reviewed studies that show that Ivermectin has been effective. I've seen you guys drop like 50 links to different studies at a time. That would be really helpful right now. Hydroxychloroquine too. If my wife wants data, I'll give her data. But I need your help.
*Edit - here is a link to the study she sent me that she thinks is now definitive proof it doesn't work. What do you spot wrong with this study? Thanks in advance. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04920942
**Edit - Thanks to everyone. Great stuff. Such a great community.
Id like to know how she can consider that definitive proof when there were NO RESULTS POSTED.
Also, they list Malaysia as 79% 'fully vaxed' and vaccination was NOT one of the criteria for being.ineligible for the study. Meaning, they all could have been vaxed and died directly due to that.
Other things wrong with the study. One, it focused solely on 50+ yrs old WITH comorbidities. Which could be a wide range of things that Ivermectin will not help with. Two, it does not list ANY possible related issues that could have been encountered durring the trial. So there is zero way in knowing if some other pathogen ended up being an issue. Three, the dosage they have listed would not be sufficient for ivermectin to be used and be 100% effective for 5 days alone. Four, they dont even list what the 'standard of care' is for Malaysia or this specific study. So, if their standard of care is give them a plate of food 3 times a day and let them rot in the heat while already having high fever, they were doomed in the first place.
Yeah I noticed that. The problem is that my wife THINKS she does research. But she has no idea the leg up this community provides in that arena. Keeps calling it a message board. Inside I'm like "It's not a fucking MESSAGE BOARD. It's a global news amalgamator and think tank." She thinks it's just an echo chamber. She has no idea how much we argue with one another on here. It's just that over time, the best ideas win out, and eventually we all arrive at the same conclusions. But good luck getting her to see that. Fuck.
Great points. Good eye. I need to get better at sniffing out shit studies.
I also want to add. Imagine these people are alseep. Your not going to have them awake and alert right away. It takes patience. And always bring proof. Like, when you find something, share it. When she starts to show signs of disinterest hold.off a bit. Also the humanitarian rout works well. Talk about how sad it is that tens of millions are going to lose everything and how even if Orange Man Bad, these people would not be suffering.
Hahaha, dude my wife was the same way till I started showing here the proof we find. Then linking that to all her lefty counterculture talking points from HS.
Honestly I think this has been my problem. She stopped wanting to discuss politics as soon as Trump beat Hillary. She could tell I was pleasantly surprised (even though honestly I was worried--I wasn't on the Trump train just yet--I just didn't want Hillary to win) but she really wanted that glass ceiling to break for her. She never really forgave Trump and when I got into Q, she just stopped wanting to hear anything.
So I stopped telling her. She's not on social media but I post like 10-20 times per day on Instagram, ever since Covid started, almost exclusively about politics. So I think I probably think she knew more about my perspectives and sources than she really did. When I would send her something I found particularly ENTERTAINING, I would send it to her kind of thinking she would get into it but usually just came back poking holes and it would annoy me. So we avoided the topic. I think if I had sent her more studies, etc. over the past couple of years, she would have probably come around at least a little bit more, at least on the Covid stuff. Time to start I guess.