Your search query is not only secure, but also anonymized. The search query runs through “premise servers” that are owned and managed by Startpage where: 1) servers are located in locked cabinets, 2) data personnel can’t log in and 3) only non-US Startpage administrators manage the servers to prevent any potential gag orders. It’s at this stage where we remove all identifying information from your search including your IP address. This means Google only ever sees Startpage, not the individual user.
Leave it to Startpage & Google:
Consider Startpage your middleman. Any search query you make gets sent to a cloud server that doesn’t know you and communicates with Google. Search results are then returned to “premise servers” that are locked in cabinets, rather than going directly to your browser. This middle step better protects you by hiding you behind this privacy wall. We partner with Google because they have the industry’s best search technology compared to Yahoo or BING (which are widely used by other private search engines).
duck duck GONE
Start Page uses Google's engine.
Your search query is not only secure, but also anonymized. The search query runs through “premise servers” that are owned and managed by Startpage where: 1) servers are located in locked cabinets, 2) data personnel can’t log in and 3) only non-US Startpage administrators manage the servers to prevent any potential gag orders. It’s at this stage where we remove all identifying information from your search including your IP address. This means Google only ever sees Startpage, not the individual user.
Consider Startpage your middleman. Any search query you make gets sent to a cloud server that doesn’t know you and communicates with Google. Search results are then returned to “premise servers” that are locked in cabinets, rather than going directly to your browser. This middle step better protects you by hiding you behind this privacy wall. We partner with Google because they have the industry’s best search technology compared to Yahoo or BING (which are widely used by other private search engines).