It's not to prevent "global warming" either. These ass-hats know we are entering an inter-glacial cooling period. The particulates do enhance the conductivity of the atmosphere. Now why would that be important if you knew earth was getting ready for a magnetic reversal?
Vapor formation and contrails are not what's being discussed here or ever when people discuss the topic of chemtrails.
What's discussed are 3 things:
The seemingly coordinated criss crossing patterns in conjunction with dispersed exhaust. Not to be confused with normal flight patterns.
The most important point, how the trail disperses into a haze that completely alters the both the color and appearance of the sun for an entire day.
this shit happens everywhere. There are pictures and videos of this over farmland and areas no where near airports
Now go back to pretending you've figured out why contrails turn blue clear skies into grey disgusting haze lmao
It's not to prevent "global warming" either. These ass-hats know we are entering an inter-glacial cooling period. The particulates do enhance the conductivity of the atmosphere. Now why would that be important if you knew earth was getting ready for a magnetic reversal?