posted ago by 335K ago by 335K +26 / -0


Apologies, I forget the markup to paste the Q Drop as an image (would appreciate an assist in the comments).

I don't have much to say about this directly, but I'm getting A Feeling In The Force that perhaps White Hats in The United States of America aren't necessarily the Top Dogs behind this whole Q movement.

As they say in the reveal of every great Mystery Cartoon "It was X all along!"

I'm starting to feel X = Russia.

These past ~3 weeks have had too much of a preponderance of evidence to suggest RU's Military Intelligence is 5 steps ahead of the game. Much like our beloved Q.

And if Q does not exist in the Russian alphabet, that's a pretty clever low tech troll / obfuscation. One of many!

Anyway, just a thought I had. I'm no expert on Russian literature, film or culture, but I've got a basic handle on it. They're no strangers to The Darkness that's spread around the World. They have the mental, technological and (likely) spiritual tools it takes to wage this war - perhaps even more than we in the West.

The ball WAS in our Court.

Just for discussion. WWG1WGA. NCSWIC.