I you like this we need to make it spread and become the new normal so that way they can't co opt it on us. Its a simple change of vocabulary but it essentially takes back creativity for us regular folks who dont want to be associated with the global homos. Also I we should rebrand it as DEVINE RAYS because theres a picture of jesus with the different light rays I saw once and thought how DEVINE the image was and then it hit me that this is how we allow normal kids to take back the symbol of creativity. By homos hijacking the rainbow if you choose a color its automatically associated with some wack sexuality, and colors mean creativity and this is how normal hetero ppl take back creativity from the global homos. Right now hetero ppl cant feel creative because they are only allowed to be black or white. the loss of color is a loss of creativity. While this is a Christian value at heart I also want this to extend to everyone who isn't Christian as well and we just use it as a simple substitue (also this takes away any ammunition that fags will throw at you when they say thats homophobic because Devine Rays are a symbol of creativity and the rainbow is a gay pride symbol and we respect that so here the word is yours leave our devine rays alone).
..... Just a random thought i had idk, I hope ppl run with this but maybe not.
thats just a mispelling on my part, my bad, typing on a shitty android tab and dont have a good auto correct. I just want to get the idea out there thats all.